Monday, July 9, 2012

i'm back...

just when you think things cannot get any busier, they do!
between cheer camps, baseball games/tournaments, and normal womanly duties,
i've found it hard to get on here and update my blog.
i'm also doing a bible study on a book called Made to Crave!
it is amazing!!
i wanted to at least drop in and give you a few pictures of things we've been up too lately....

brooke at cheer camp.
i ended up going to get brooke early from camp as she wasn't feeling good.
but she did go for a bit and had a good time while she was there.
her next stop is dance camp and i am excited to be able to attend this with her.

#78 in the dug out is my boy.
these boys did amazing this year.
most their games were played in 100 + degree weather.
and wouldn't you know the day baseball ends it drops down to the 80's
oh well i'm just happy we get a break from the heat.
brady on deck
waiting to bat next!

this is their last game this season
(picture was poor and from my iphone)
brady pitched one heck of a game.
he went in to pitch during the 2nd inning
and the other team never had the chance to score again.
so proud of him and his team.
otis has been enjoying brain freezes this summer in the heat.
this dog can eat ice cream fast!

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